Sunday, January 25, 2009


Screw Ruby On Rails for a while, back to CakePHP. I've written a simple guide in PDF on how to deploy your own SMS server using normal hand phone and Linux via VMWARE. The PDF cane be downloaded at here,

At the end of the session, you'll get a working web interface for managing incoming and outgoing SMS.

Now, I'm extending the functions to include :
1. Group SEND ( send SMS to all contacts under specified group )
2. Contact Group Management
3. Contacts Management
4. User Authentication
5. SMS log for incoming and outgoing message

Ok folks, that all for now. Going to finish the module in an hour or so


  1. could you provide the full inbox.php outbox.php inboxes_controller.php outboxes_controller.php pages, so i can have a look, when i tried your way, the php pages isn't displaying

  2. I dun really understand abt cakephp..can it be run under normal apache?
